Sunday, 24 November 2024

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š•šˆš“š€ššˆšŽš“šˆš‚š’ – Egypt for pharmaceutical industries is looking to hire the following position:
“š‚šØš¬š­ š€šœšœšØš®š§š­ššš§š­- šˆš§šÆšžš§š­šØš«š² š‚šØš§š­š«šØš„”

š—š—¼š—Æ š—±š—²š˜€š—°š—暝—¶š—½š˜š—¶š—¼š—»:
- Obtain and maintain a thorough understanding of the financial reporting and general ledger structure.
- Responsible for the periodic or random inventory of the warehouse.
- Maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records related to warehouse transactions, including inventory management, stock adjustments, and cost accounting.
- Prepare and analyze financial statements, including inventory valuation, cost of goods sold (COGS), and other warehouse-related financial data.
- Ensure compliance with accounting principles, standards, and regulations, specifically relating to inventory and warehouse operations.
- Assist with budget preparation, forecasting, and variance analysis related to warehouse operations.
- Coordinate with warehouse and operations teams to ensure accurate and timely financial reporting.
- Monitor and report on key financial metrics, including inventory turnover and cost efficiency.

Jš—¼š—Æ š—暝—²š—¾š˜‚š—¶š—暝—²š—ŗš—²š—»š˜:
- Bachelor’s degree in accounting 
- 1 to 3 years of experience in a similar position.
- Strong communication & organizational skills.
- Analytical thinking, results orientation.
- Accuracy, consistency, and timeliness.

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