Saturday, 9 March 2019

Telesales at Global Housing Corp

GHS telesales (Housing) company based in US is currently recruiting, with a basic salary from 4000 LE to 6000 LE (depending on previous experience) and a serious commission payed in US Dollars as well as been in Egypt stable and steady for the past 7 years in business here is what we are looking for:

Fluency in English 

If undergraduate, you have to promise commitment during the period of studying not just during summer (vacation during final exams is acceptable for sure)

Steady attendance 

Full time job only

Work location: Nasr City
Working hours: (4 PM to 12 AM) (1 Hour Break)

There are no evaluation months only one week training and then you start your actual job.

IF you are interested kindly send your cv to:
#توظيف #onlinejobs #linkedinjobsearch