Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Assistant Product Manager at LG

LG Electronics Egypt is hiring :
- Assistant Product Manager / ISM 
Reporting To : 
Korean Product Manager (Home Appliances)

Main R&R:
- To Build the infrastructure for LG Products ( LG Dryer, Washing Machine , Vaccum Cleaner , Dishwasher, ... ) to increase sales , profit and market share .
- To support product Manager in all sectors in terms of 5P
( Product, Price , Promotion,Place , People)
- Engaging with all related team ( Sales , Mkt., SCM, Logistics, Accounting)
- Managing the relationship with agencies and distributors ( Flyers, Racks, ... ) 

Location: Kattameya Office 
(Transportation is provided)

Main Qualifications: 
* Egyptian Only / Cairo or Giza Resident 
* Bachelor Degree ( Business, Accounting, Mkt.) 
* Exp. ( 3- 7 Y ), at least "same position/ Mkt, ,Sales .
* Experience in Consumer Electronics . 
* Planning, Leadership, Organizing, problem solving and interperosnal Skills 
* Very Good command of English & Very Good Ms. office Skills.
(Excel, PowerPoint) 
* Max. Age : 35 Y. Old 

If Interested, you are welcome to send your updated CV with subject ( APM ) to :