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Saturday, 18 May 2019

Summer Internship at CIB

Are you seeking a real world career experience during your summer vacation? Apply now to “CIB Summer Internship Program ”

The Summer Internship program will provide students  from different universities the opportunity to spend four weeks at CIB, acquiring knowledge and hands-on experience in their area of preference. The program is meant to give them an overview on the banking industry and the core activities performed within the areas they will be assigned to; meanwhile allows CIB to build a pool of potential candidates who would be willing to pursue a career in banking.

Area: In All Bank's Areas
Locations: Cairo

Requirements and Pre-requisites:

University Students in 2nd and 3rd years only.
Trainees should be holding a minimum of "Good" grade.
Good Communication Skills.
Excellent Command of written and spoken English Language.
Willingness and eagerness to learn and develop own self.

Fill out the application, and apply for "Summer Internship 2019", the application has to be filled 100% in order to be submitted.
After completing and submitting the application, you will receive an Application Number, which you need to keep record of, in order to track your case in the future.

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